
Hauts-de-France, a picturesque region in the north of France, is home to the splendid national parks of Scarpe-Escaut and Avesnois. Both parks offer visitors the chance to explore diverse landscapes, encounter various wildlife, and enjoy the serene beauty of nature.

Beyond exploring the natural beauty, both parks offer a range of activities for visitors. Engage in guided tours to learn about the parks’ ecosystems, history, and conservation efforts. Adventure-seekers can traverse the many hiking trails, while those looking for a more relaxed experience can enjoy birdwatching or photography excursions.

Scarpe-Escaut: France’s First National Park

As the first-established national park in France, Scarpe-Escaut boasts a diverse ecosystem that encompasses forests, marshlands, and pastures. Visitors can wander through the thick woods, where the branches overhead intertwine, forming a natural canopy, or explore the extensive marshlands, home to numerous bird species and other wildlife. The Regional Nature Park revolves around two major waterways: the Scarpe and Escaut rivers.

It is a lush park area featuring forests, wetlands, a former abbey, wildlife, rivers, and hiking paths. It is a sanctuary for a wide range of flora and fauna, showcasing the region’s rich biodiversity. Nature enthusiasts can spot various species of plants, birds, and other animals that have made the park their home, making it a perfect destination for wildlife observation and photography.

Avesnois National Park: A Tranquil Escape

Moving to Avesnois National Park, visitors are greeted by the distinctive ‘bocage’ landscape. This beautiful setting is characterized by a mosaic of fields, hedgerows, and orchards. The patchwork of greenery provides a feast for the eyes, offering an idyllic backdrop for leisurely walks or cycling.

The lush landscapes present the ideal setting for a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Visitors can embark on peaceful hikes, enjoy picnics in the open fields, or simply relax amidst the natural beauty of the park.