
The Grand Est Region is steeped in cultural richness, historical depth, and natural beauty, offering a well-rounded experience for every traveler. Whether you’re sampling exquisite wines, exploring historical sites, or simply reveling in the stunning landscapes, the Grand Est Region of France promises a memorable and fulfilling adventure. The first video below is in French, to give you a chance to practice! ED: Kevin Parker

The Grand Est region of France, bordering Germany, Luxembourg, and Belgium, is a dynamic blend of varying landscapes, cultural influences, and historical richness. Here’s a guide to some of the highlights you should not miss when visiting this splendid region. The intermingling of French and German cultures creates a unique blend that can be experienced in its cuisine, architecture, and languages. Savor dishes that combine French flair with hearty German influences, and traverse towns where bilingual signs welcome visitors in both French and German.

Picturesque Cities

Roam the cobbled streets of Strasbourg, a city renowned for its beautiful medieval architecture and the stunning Strasbourg Cathedral. In Reims, explore the famous champagne houses and the beautiful Reims Cathedral. The Strasbourg Notre-Dame Cathedral stands as a monumental masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Its intricate façade and stunning stained-glass windows are a sight to behold, and the view from the top is worth the climb, offering a panoramic view of the city and beyond

Nancy, another charming city, is home to the exquisite Place Stanislas and the École de Nancy, a symbol of the Art Nouveau movement in France. In Nancy, the Palace of the Dukes of Lorraine offers a deep dive into the region’s history. This renovated museum showcases the historical, artistic, and cultural journey of the region from the Middle Ages to the 18th century.

The Wine

For wine lovers, the Alsace Wine Route is a must-visit. This 170-kilometer route winds through over a thousand wine producers, where visitors can sample some of the world’s best white wines, explore picturesque villages, and marvel at the lush vineyards stretching as far as the eye can see. The Champagne region is synonymous with its world-renowned sparkling wine. Take a guided tour of the wine cellars in Reims or Epernay, and enjoy a delightful champagne tasting experience while learning about the intricate process of champagne making.


Nature lovers will revel in the beauty of the Vosges Mountains and the Forest of Argonne. These natural landmarks provide opportunities for hiking, biking, and exploration, with breathtaking views and an abundance of wildlife.

Last but not least, the Parc Naturel Régional de Lorraine is a haven for anyone wishing to immerse themselves in the region’s rich biodiversity. Explore the park’s diverse landscapes, which include forests, lakes, and wetlands, and discover a wide variety of flora and fauna.

Art and History

Art enthusiasts should make time to visit the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Strasbourg. The museum houses an extensive collection of artworks from the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, including paintings, sculptures, and graphic arts.

History buffs can explore the UNESCO-listed fortifications in Verdun and Longwy, remnants of the region’s tumultuous past. These fortifications stand as a testament to the region’s strategic military importance throughout history.