Credit Johnny Africa via Unsplash

Located in the southeastern corner of France, the region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur is the destination for renowned undulating lavender fields of Provence.

Here, we have suggested five-days of activity with the lavender fields as a focus point, not a bad way to wend your way through the region.

Day 1: Avignon – The Historic Gateway to Provence

Morning: Begin in Avignon, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Explore the grand Palais des Papes, a testimony to the city’s medieval glory, followed by a visit to the famous Pont Saint-Bénézet, which offers panoramic views of the Rhône.

Afternoon: Embark on a cruise on the Rhône river, viewing the city’s historic ramparts from the water.

Evening: As you venture towards the Valensole Plateau, take a sunset photography tour. The golden light provides a magical contrast to the deep violet lavender fields.

Day 2: Valensole Plateau – The Lavender Heartland

Morning: Enjoy a picnic amidst the lavender fields of Valensole. Locally sourced cheeses, baguettes, and wines make for a perfect Provençal breakfast.

Afternoon: In Manosque, take a sensory journey with a guided tour of the L’Occitane factory. Understand how the fragrances and oils of Provence are meticulously crafted.

Evening: Attend a lavender workshop, learning the art of crafting bouquets and understanding the flower’s therapeutic properties.

Credit Leonard Cotte via Unsplash

Day 3: Sault and Gordes – The Classic Provençal Experience

Morning: Dive into Sault’s bustling Wednesday market. From fresh olives to lavender sachets, the market pulsates with energy and color.

Afternoon: Explore Gordes, with its cobblestone streets and age-old architecture. Visit the Abbey of Senanque, a nearby Cistercian abbey, famous for its postcard-perfect view surrounded by lavender fields.

Evening: Dine in a local auberge in Gordes, tasting dishes that have been passed down through generations.

Day 4: Celebrating Lavender – A Cultural Immersion

Morning: Attend one of the regional lavender festivals if your timing is right. Watch traditional Provençal dances, meet local artisans, and perhaps try your hand at some lavender craft.

Afternoon: Visit a local distillery. Here, witness firsthand the process of turning lavender into essential oils—a transformation as aromatic as it is fascinating.

Evening: A culinary adventure awaits as you indulge in a lavender-infused dinner. From lavender sorbets to aromatic lamb dishes, it’s a unique gastronomic experience.

Day 5: Aix-en-Provence – The Quintessential Provençal Town

Morning: Roam the bustling Cours Mirabeau in Aix-en-Provence, with its markets, fountains, and historic sites.

Afternoon: Take an art tour, visiting ateliers and galleries that highlight the region’s artistic legacy, which has inspired masters like Cézanne.

Evening: As a fitting end, relax in one of Aix’s traditional thermal spas, letting the warm waters soothe you, perhaps reflecting on the myriad of experiences the region has offered.

In these five days, travelers not only traverse through fields of purple but also through time, culture, and tradition. The allure of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur lies not just in its landscapes but in its ability to create timeless memories for those who venture into its embrace.